Saturday, September 24, 2011


My future sister-in-law and I have decided to take it upon ourselves to help perserve the Irala and Saelices families keepsakes, their recuerdos. Most of their pictures are in photo albums that are thirty-something years old and the pictures are falling out and there's no record of when they were taken nor of who is in each one.

We hope to surprise my future in-laws at Christmas with a wonderful, complete photo album and family tree. It also means we will have scanned and saved all of those pictures on a disk that can be treasured for years until technology comes up with a new format to save them on.

So far my fiance has not been very helpful at identifying people in the pictures. Which makes me all the more happy that I've taken this on now when his parents and grandparents are still around to help out if needed. My grandparents are all either gone or slipping away and all their memories and knowledge are lost forever. It would be a shame if that happened in this family too.

I couldn't tell you who is in each picture but I think each one is lovely and special.

Wedding attendants

Flamenco dresses

First communion

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful project. They will be thrilled. Very cool Jenn!
